Thursday 16 September 2010

Live from the Studio


Well this entry is the first of many to come straight out of my studio space, I have spent the past few months clearing out the old and changing up the new. I am surrounded by my own creation and it is fuelling my productivity and desire.

I am turning this blog not only into a diary of my artistic endeavours but tethering it together with my whole life, it took a while but I have now realised that my life is my art........... i don’t mean that in an overstated pretentious way I mean when I am not being productive it usually due to circumstances elsewhere in my life, when I come into my studio and produce shit or end up cleaning brushes for 2 hours it’s due to something outside of my studio stopping me being creative. I’ve always known this but it just dawned on me to tie everything up together so instead of going months and months with no posts as I haven't had a break through I can keep everything in perpetual motion.

Having a computer link in my studio is also gong to help my activity online and hopefully help forge out my own little place on the information super highway.

So whats changed? My shift pattern at work is a big influence on my studio time, I have recently gone onto a 3 on 3 of basis giving me at least 1 to 2 studio days a week which is fantastic!

I also have some upcoming travels which I am looking forward to, next month I go to Paris for 3 days and in November I travel to New York for a 5 day break. These are both big trips as it’s the first time I will be travelling with a significant other, a aspect which can change dynamics drastically! I’m hoping to come away from both trips with a bank of new inspiration the form of experiences and photographs.

I have opened a Flickr account where my raw photography will be housed, I’m trying to preserve my gallery on Methodichaos as an art work development log and my many online gallery as places to show my finished work.

I’m currently pursuing 3 lines of work, all very textual based.

1. Glass work based on line sketches projecting texture back onto boards
2. Textured portraits in mono color
3. Textured small pieces based on close up macro photography.

I have come to realise that you can have multiple pursuits and it can aid in pushing forward as when you become dis-engaged with one piece you can hop over to another and continue production.

I am also taking on a few different materials and techniques for the first time, I’m experimenting with expandable foam and revisiting the use of cling film and wax.

All in all it is a very exciting time.........

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